Learn how to paint, draw, sculpt, and more
at our many art workshops throughout the year.
Art AfterHours:
These are Tuesdays evenings, 7PM —9PM, at the Classroom at
The AgriCultural Museum and Arts Center
102 City Park Road, Boerne, Texas 78006

2023 Class Schedule
Session 1
Embossed Metal Emblems – January 3
Open your world up to repoussé. Try using embossing tools to mould sheets of metal. Working in small scale, we emboss, cut, and patina thin metal to create organic and abstract forms and adhere them to River stones.
Paper Fordite Pendants (2-part) – January 10/January 17
A new take on an already unique medium. We will synthesize fordite through a process of paper layers. The bond process produces a hard strong material able to be sanded and shaped into beautifully artistic elements.
Sashiko Patchwork – January 24
If you have taken one of our indigo dyeing classes and wonder what to do with your fabric, now is your chance. We will be using layers of multi-hue fabrics and binding them together. The process of sewing is a traditional Japanese style referred to as sashiko. Come explore some simple geometric stitches as we build a brush case.
Simulated Stone Earrings – January 31
We will break out our polymer clay once again to explore an addictive method with glitter and alcohol inks. The use of a translucent base simulates the look and feel of real stone. The result is a pair of earrings, lighter weight and more economical than traditional stone.
Chain Making – February 7
To continue our love of jewelry and metal, we will dive into chain making. Using an historical method of chain making, we will use simple metal smithing tools to fabricate nonferrous metal wire into chain. We will reduce our chain to finished size using drawplates, and finally attach beads and a clasp for an unique hand crafted bracelet.
Session 2
Tapestry Weaving (2- part) – February 21/ February 28
Old world textile art on a tabletop loom. Weave an individualized design using a variety of yarns and color. Learn the process of interlacing yarn to reveal pattern and texture.
Enameled Bezels – March 7
A modern twist on an old-world application. Create colorful patterned designs with heat responsive polymer. Inspired by traditional glass enameling, our class applies layers of powdered polymer to form a dimensional motif on a contrasted background. Create an elegant look with new materials and open a door to a world metal smithing.
Stained Glass Scrap Bowls – March 14
Join us for a recycled project with a beautiful result. The class focuses on copper foil stained glass techniques. A perfect chance to hone your skills or try it for the first time. We will practice applying copper foil, soldering, and fabricating a three-dimensional piece.
Peyote Stitch Bracelet – March 21
Use seed beads in a traditional indigenous method of stringing. Peyote is a brickwork pattern that uses a needle and beading thread to form shapes and patterns. Like all our AA classes you explore history, technique and materials like seed bead sizing and shapes, beading needle sizing and styles, and beading threads. You will complete an exclusive bracelet with a finished clasp.
Gel Plates With Alternative Tools – March 28
Kitchen tools, found objects, recycled articles, and tools, are just some of the unique items we will play with to create pattern, texture, and interest on a gel plate. For anyone addicted to mono printing with gel plates and for newbies, our time will include applying layers, how to select colors, and pulling multiple layers from a plate.
Register: www.hccarts.org

Register at website, www.hccarts.org
All classes are at The AgriCultural, 102 City Park Road, Boerne, Texas 78006.