Sponsorship OpportunitiesĀ 

The AgriCultural Museum & Arts Center is looking for your support this year for helping us put on the antique tractor pulls.

For a tax deductible donation of $250, you can have your name/logo put on a double sided 24″ x 16″ sign that will be placed at the track during our three pulls. When they are not out at the track, these signs will be on display in our big red barn and will be available for the public to see every Saturday when we are open. Our announcer will also mention your name during the events.

For a donation of $500 you can help sponsor the trophies that are given away at the pulls.

For a donation of $750, you can help sponsor the food at the pulls.

For a donation of $1,000, you can help us with improvements at the AgriCultural Museum.